Preventing and combating violence and harassment at work
DIMTECH has developed a policy and complies with all measures and obligations relating to the implementation of the provisions of Part II of law 4808/2021 for the prevention and treatment of all forms of violence and harassment, including violence and harassment due to sex and sexual harassment.
The purpose of this policy is to create and consolidate an excellent working environment that respects, promotes and guarantees the human dignity and the right of every person to a world of work without violence and harassment. DIMTECH declares that it recognizes and respects the right of every employee to a work environment free from violence and harassment and that he or she does not tolerate any such conduct, in any form by any person.
This policy is adopted in accordance with articles 9 and 10 of law 4808/2021 and the regulatory legislation in their application and occupies the persons of par. 1 of article 3 of law 4808/2021.
More details on this policy can be provided upon written request.